Monday, April 20, 2009

A clean house at TED built in 4hours

Through all the technological inventions of the last 50 years, we are still building houses with the same methods. Will we ever move away from "stick" building? Every era makes attempts at factory building. An interesting approach is shown here, but the cost is virtually double what a "stick" built home with these amenities would cost. Unless the costs become more realistic, these modular units by LivingHomes are not likely to displace standard on-site construction processes any time soon. How long will it take to come up with something that is between the tin-can-like "mobile homes" of today and the fantasies of tomorrow depicted here? The material suppliers get good shout-outs in the video, but in down economic cycles, tradition usually wins out over stark contemporary looks. In today's economic climate, we are all looking for "comfort" of some sort. These stacks of stark rectangular boxes, don't offer so much as a comfortable corner. Whose fantasy is this anyway? It may be good for getting press, but does it provide "comfort" for hunkering down in a "down" economy.

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