Thursday, June 19, 2008

Universal Design can be beautiful

Design Week reviews the book: Universal Design: Solutions for Barrier-free Living by Oliver Herwig which will be published in September. With a rapidly aging population, all interior product producers must be sensitive to this issue. Interior finishes are little affected by this topic other than the need for slip resistance in floors and an overall requirement for ease of maintenance. However, universal design should be given equal consideration with sustainability in the marketing materials for all interior products. OXO kitchen gadgets have long been developed for "universal design" and everyone loves to use them - as James Irvine says in the book "good design is universal design." Design Week shows the lovely SimpliciTEA ceramic teapot with pourer stand, designed by Lotte Alpert - I hope it makes it to our marketplace.

Further information on universal design is available from
The Center for Universal Design (CUD), a national information, technical assistance, and research center that evaluates, develops, and promotes accessible and universal design in housing, commercial and public facilities, outdoor environments, and products.

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