Thursday, September 3, 2009

Missing Color/ Fond Memories

After years of creating beige on beige products, I have come to realize that I miss the joy of color. The point to me of creating neutral building materials is that they were merely the canvas or at most a foil to other personal expressions. The color and personality was to be supplied with other materials and art, but somehow the late 90's and 00's were almost devoid of the balance that color could bring to wall board and concrete. Sometimes texture loaded on texture just isn't enough to feed the soul. Color can do that in the most personal way.

Today, I was given quite a jolt of a reminder in Harvard Square. I had been reading that the place that I always had thought of as quaint and interesting was now as interesting as your local mall - nearly devoid of personality. I should have know that the writers lamenting the demise of the square had it right, when I immediately found a parking space. I shed many a tear and got many a parking ticket in the years that I was calling on architects in the Square because parking spaces were so hard to come by.

I had heard that Crate and Barrel which was in the old "Design Research" building was closed but was presently surprised that the owner of the building had used the famous frameless windows wisely
and had installed a striking presentation of classic Marimekko fabrics and clothing in all the colorful glory of an era past.

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