- True to Origins and Self
- True to Culture
- True to Form
- Larger than Life
- Made by Hand
- Sustainable
- Raw and unaltered
- Reclaimed, Recycled
Out of the box thinking for living inside our boxes. Design and marketing trends and influences that maximize both delight and long term value for the permanent finishes in today's interiors. Navigating the abundant choices, evaluating the new and separating the wheat from the chaff - the long-term influences from fleeting fads for those offering products for the interior environment.(AND THE STORIES THEY TELL ABOUT THEM.)
Surface detail from subBlue on Vimeo.
Another followup to the "Geometric" trend in my 2010 report - the explosion of fractals in art and design. This is a fantastic video, even showing some softened edges - not as harsh and edgy as all the straight edges that we have seen up until now. The scientist/designer,Tom Beddard's website promises to offer software to create your own fractal designs soon.