Monday, July 13, 2009

Morphing the Web

While salesmen can pick up clues about a customer's preferred communication style, websites usually come in a "one size fits all" version. Interior furnishings require visual presentations and are frequently sold via the web. For building materials, it is another matter entirely, they are rarely sold on the internet and often require lots of functional information when introduced and presented on websites.

To add to the problem, IT people prefer one kind of communication, while graphic designers prefer another - and these are the two groups most involved with the creation of websites. Finally there is insight on this issue - how can websites best engage their customers whether they are actually direct sales tools or just informational tools. The MIT Sloan School magazine shows how advances in technology allow the web to be more effective by personalizing the information to fit each customer in real time in an article entitled
Morph the Web to Build Empathy, Trust and Sales

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