Thursday, May 28, 2009

Magenta - For a Reason or a Season?

I painted my house door magenta for a reason - I had absolutely no trend in mind. When the beach roses are in full bloom, there is simply no other choice. A recent Wall Street Journal article tells us that "magenta" is "suddenly haute" in everything from fashion to architecture for just this season in an article entitled: Hot Pink? Call it 'Mangenta.' They have it right when they explain: "The fuchsia phenomenon might not age really well. Yet that's precisely the point -- fuchsia is so very here today because tomorrow is so scary to think about. The color of hothouse flowers and glorious summer landscapes speaks to our bruised psyches. Brown is bleak. Fuchsia is anything but." I guess the concept of optimism would explain Bill Clinton's pink tie on the cover of the 5/31 New York Times Magazine, but it still does not explain all that pepto bismal pink coming out of the European design community on everything from furnishings to finishes.

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