Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Beware Faux Finishes

Just dug this out of my drafts folder... always relevant.

I loved this response to a lovely Wall Street Journal article about a faux finish artisan: "... and then the crappy manufacturing process turns it into photograph board and the beautiful pattern is repeated, repeated, repeated down to the tiniest detail." 

Beware manufacturers! The public is easily offended by phony faux finishes. Be judicious in how they are created and applied. Manufacturers are better off creating the "spirit" of whatever they are copying rather than an attempt at an exact copy down to every detail.


It has exactly been two year since I posted to this blog, admittedly my interests were elsewhere and life got in the way. Most importantly though, was that I ran into nothing that compelled me to post. Now I have, does this mean that the slumbering giant of our industry is awakening? I certainly hope so.

So what woke me up was the totally unexpected...a bathroom in a monastery turned bed and breakfast featured in an email from "Interior Design" magazine. The slideshow of 25 kitchens and baths featured a showstopper for me, a bathroom by Atelier Maia featuring their own handmade tile designs.

Maybe I had been supersaturated, in the past, but have yet to see anything as dramatic as these tiles in the entire tile industry.