Thursday, June 17, 2010

TEDxCalgary - Michael Drew - Pendulum

No matter how much time you allow yourself for trend-watching, this video with a critical story to tell marketers is a must-see. This acclaimed Pendulum presentation tells us exactly where we are on the pendulum at present and then examines how entrepreneurs and thought leaders can capitalize on society's alternating cycles of civic and idealistic attitudes.

More Levering of Brands

As I just got back from an extended trip, I have been paying closer attention to my emails from - as creating one of their books is my favorite momento of trips and events. Today's email amused me to no end, they announced that in concert with Clairol's Root Touch-up a new root touch-up tool is available on their site. You could even try it out. Tres amusant! . . . and good marketing for both parties.